Wordly Wise 3000 Book 4 Lesson 10

Wordly Wise 3000 Book 4 Lesson 10 embarks on an enlightening journey into the realm of vocabulary, equipping learners with essential tools to navigate the complexities of language and enhance their communication skills.

Through a comprehensive exploration of ten meticulously selected vocabulary words, this lesson fosters a deeper understanding of word meanings, usage, and relationships, laying the foundation for effective and nuanced expression.


Wordly Wise 3000 Book 4 Lesson 10 focuses on developing students’ vocabulary by introducing 10 new words. The lesson aims to enhance comprehension, improve word usage, and foster an appreciation for the nuances of language.

Vocabulary Words

  • Adulation(noun): excessive praise or admiration
  • Affable(adjective): friendly and approachable
  • Capricious(adjective): unpredictable or erratic
  • Conundrum(noun): a puzzling or perplexing question or problem
  • Ephemeral(adjective): lasting for a very short time
  • Exquisite(adjective): extremely beautiful or pleasing
  • Fervent(adjective): intense or passionate
  • Gregarious(adjective): sociable and outgoing
  • Meticulous(adjective): very careful and precise
  • Uncanny(adjective): strange or mysterious

Contextual Understanding

The vocabulary words are presented in a short passage that describes a young woman named Anya. The passage highlights Anya’s unpredictable nature, her exquisite taste, and her passionate pursuit of her interests. The context provides examples of how the words are used in everyday language and helps students understand their meanings.

Word Relationships: Wordly Wise 3000 Book 4 Lesson 10

Several vocabulary words in this lesson are related in meaning. For example, “affable” and “gregarious” both describe friendly and outgoing individuals. “Capricious” and “uncanny” share the idea of unpredictability or strangeness. These relationships help students expand their vocabulary and make connections between words.

Figurative Language

The passage uses figurative language to enhance its descriptions. For instance, it describes Anya’s unpredictable nature as “a capricious wind” and her exquisite taste as “a symphony of colors.” These metaphors help create vivid images in the reader’s mind and add depth to the text.

Word Usage

  • The adulation she received for her performance filled her with joy.
  • Despite her affable demeanor, she maintained a sense of mystery.
  • The weather was capricious that day, alternating between sunshine and rain.
  • The conundrum of how to solve the puzzle left me baffled.
  • The ephemeral beauty of the cherry blossoms lasted only a few weeks.

Writing Applications

Activity:Write a short story or poem that incorporates at least five of the vocabulary words from the lesson. Ensure that the words are used correctly and contribute to the overall meaning of the piece.


  • Choose a setting and characters that lend themselves to the use of the vocabulary words.
  • Use the words in a variety of contexts to demonstrate your understanding of their meanings.
  • Pay attention to word choice and sentence structure to create a cohesive and engaging piece of writing.

Question Bank

What is the primary focus of Wordly Wise 3000 Book 4 Lesson 10?

The lesson focuses on expanding vocabulary and developing a deeper understanding of word meanings, usage, and relationships.

How many vocabulary words are covered in this lesson?

The lesson covers ten carefully selected vocabulary words.

What types of activities are included in the lesson?

The lesson includes a range of activities, such as vocabulary definitions, contextual understanding exercises, word relationship analysis, and writing applications.

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